Project Name: Online Captcha Entry Jobs | Status: Locked
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PDF to Word Document Entry @ Rs-153,500 in 9 month
We will Provided you 750 PFD Files to converst it into Word Documents. Rates will be Rs-200 on each PDF to Word Data Entry. Projects Deadline is 9 month after downling Assigment.
JPEG to Notepad Entry @ Rs-383,000 in 6 month
We will provided 2000 Scan JPEG files, You need to Type them into Notepad Files. Rates will be Rs-200 on each JPEG to Notepad Data entry. This project is only for BPO Office.
Bank Statement to Quickbook Entry @ Rs-15,500 in 1 month
You will be given customer bank account statement & online quick book software access. You have to enter all the transaction [value more then Rs-50.00] to the online quick book software. basic accounting knowledge Required.
Multipurpose Medical Data Processing with Excel @ Rs-35,700 in 45 Days
You have to work on Simple Data processing from Scan Documenty, Excel record, & Excel Sheet to Compnay own Database managment software. Its 540 Hours Projects where you will be paid Rs-35,700 for one time.